The Goethert-Method®

The easiest way to subtle body health and inner order

We can expect a lot of change in the time to come. It is not a question of whether the change will come, it is not a question of whether subtle matter exists, it’s a question of when I begin to understand it and deal with it.

Ronald Goethert

Doppelbelichtung Mann mit weit offenen Armen auf einer Wiese

We are more than just skin and bones

Our physical bodies are permeated and surrounded by subtle bodies.

These bodies are finer in nature than the skin and bones that we often think make up our bodies, and can therefore be called subtle. 

Despite being fine, subtle bodies can be felt and examined. 

They have their own feeling, including their own pain sensation. Subtle bodies also have their own anatomy, that consists of chakras, energy points and a subtle spine, among other things.

The Goethert-Method is a proven, effective way to discover and understand the subtle body and care for its health and inner order.

If we learn to understand and deal with our subtle body, we will be able to lead a more self-determined life. 

This improved quality of life will provide more vitality and balance and increase our ability to make the right decisions.

Guiding Principles of the Goethert-Method®

Our goal is that people ...

  • gain knowledge and awareness of their subtle bodies

  • come into their subtle body health by freeing their subtle bodies from subtle burdens and injuries

  • experience the handling of causes and effects of subtle reality

  • move from inner disorder to inner order

  • find access to their inner life and are able to preserve it

We of the Goethert-Method work therapeutically with specially developed techniques for human subtle body health. With our seminar concepts, we impart with an effective method applicable basics for human inner order.

There is very little awareness about subtle bodies. It is, as such, not surprising that many people suffer the consequences of poor subtle body health.  After all, how can you take care of something that you do not know exists?

About inner order and healthy subtle bodies

Inner order is characterized as a positive state. Feelings of joy, energy and confidence result when inner order is in balance.

Respectful and mindful handling of the subtle body leads to the creation and maintenance of inner order.

Those who understand their subtle bodies receive answers to many unanswered questions.


Doppelbelichtung deprimierte Frau am Wasser

About inner disorder and neglected subtle bodies

Inner disorder of the subtle body results from various injuries and blockages.

Many life events can cause inner disorder. For example, shocking occurrences such as:

  • the death of a loved one

  • an accident

  • experiencing violence 

  • a separation

  • burdensome conversations

Illnesses and undergoing operations can also contribute to a disruption of our inner order.

Inner disorder can be felt when we feel we are under pressure, have become momentarily paralyzed, deeply stressed or in need of catching our breath.

What happens if we neglect our subtle body?

A neglected subtle body shows up in many ways. Here are just a few symptoms you may recognize:

  • Stress – feeling tense 
  • Drained – low energy levels
  • Fatigue – often tired for no reason
  • Restless – unable to relax and be calm
  • Negative – a pessimistic and generally downbeat attitude

By restoring inner order, we can return to a state of joy and energy, feeling secure and confident, experiencing peace and calm.

Porträt Ronald Göthert

This is how the Goethert-Method can help

The Goethert-Method nurtures the subtle body back to health and shows one how to maintain subtle body health and attain inner order. 

Through the various consultations and seminars we offer, we work with people to broaden their horizons and deepen their knowledge about the subtle! 

The Goethert-Method is based on over 30 years of research by Ronald Goethert. 

He is the founder and developer of the Goethert-Method. 

The Goethert-Method is also based on 20 years of practical experience, which Ronald Goethert began putting into practice in the form of consultations and seminars in 1999. Since 2008, the Goethert-Method is also being practiced by people he has personally trained.

About Ronald Goethert

Participants at Goethert-Method events discover how to:

  • Discover and define their subtle body
  • Understand and improve the state of their subtle body
  • Observe the reactions of their subtle body
  • Learn how to access their intuition for improved decision-making

As a result individuals experience a sense of calm and peace with their surroundings and relationships with the people around them are enhanced.

Imagine being able to access and maintain your own energy. You will have the ability to remain calm in the face of challenges, think clearly in times of trouble and preserve positive relationships with those around you. 


The inner, deep contentment that now permanently dwells within me gives me great pleasure. It feels as if something has actually been fundamentally restructured in my whole being. I would never have thought it possible that so many things would change in my life as a result of working with the subtle body. I was able to recognize connections that I had not perceived before.

Susanne S., Wiesbaden

I found answers to many of my questions in the subtle body teachings, experienced a lot, learned more and understood connections better.

Anna, Product Manager

From the first treatment on, I felt how my inner being gained an enormous amount of momentum. In the end, I felt lightness of being and fundamental confidence again. My new positive charisma was even noticed by others around me.

O. N.

Doppelbelichtung  Frau geniesst die Atmosphäre

Overview of the Goethert-Method:

Just as blood flows in our veins, the life energy available to us flows in our subtle bodies that permeate and surround the physical body. 

By learning to understand and deal with the subtle, it becomes possible to lead a more self-determined life with greater vitality and balance. Even more: our perception is improved and it becomes easier to make decisions.

Subtle Body Balance - for a new sense of well-being and inner peace. Resistant against stress and the daily hustle and bustle - with the power of the subtle body, our source for more vitality.

Therapy - subtle body treatments and consultations that will help solve many of the ailments that trouble us and prevent us from living a powerful, joy-filled life.

Seminar - “Discover Your Subtle Body” - the perfect seminar for anyone who wants to increase their inner well-being and inner growth or is interested in personal development and expanding their awareness.

Professional Training- to become a subtle body therapist and work therapeutically according to the Goethert-Method – abbreviated NDGM.

Certification Program - of the Goethert-Method: Subtle Body Balance for the Professional. For people in healing professions such as doctors, therapists or healing practitioners as well as yoga-teachers. You will learn how to apply the Goethert-Method at your own practice.

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