Subtle Body Balance – Discover the power of the subtle body: your source for more vitality

We all have something in and around us that can give us strength, a sense of safety, confidence and guidance: our subtle body.

Ronald Göthert

Doppelbelichtung  Frau geniesst die Atmosphäre

Resistant against stress and the daily hustle and bustle

Do you know those moments when your thoughts are going in circles in your head – and you don’t have a switch to turn them off? It has become almost impossible to manage our daily hustle, the fast pace, the constant sensory overload and the high stress levels.
The consequences: Fatigue, exhaustion, lethargy, inner restlessness, tension.

These and other symptoms can point to subtle body injuries and inner disorder. Many people endure this kind of burden for many years and become used to a limited quality of life.
Subtle Body Balance is an effective method to discover and understand your subtle body and to ensure subtle body health.

What Subtle Body Balance does:

  • Helps achieve inner balance
  • Activates the body’s self-healing powers
  • Helps to prepare for and recover from surgeries
  • Provides strength and optimism
  • Fosters our sense of basic trust


Your therapist will provide you with more information.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity!

Resitent gegen Stress und Hektik mit Subtle Body Balance

You will find help if

  • You are restless inside
  • You have little energy
  • You are tense
  • You cannot let go
  • You are before or after an operation
Die Anwendung Subtle Body Balance auf einer Liege

How the Treatment Works

After a preliminary consultation, the therapist will show you exercises that help you discover and actually feel your subtle body on your own.

The treatment then continues on the examination table: While you lie there comfortably and relaxed, the therapist will balance your subtle body from head to toe, without actually touching your physical body. Many patients experience a comfortable tingling sensation when the energy flow is stimulated. The treatment also has a positive effect on the appearance: Others often comment on the patient’s “healthy aura”.

Three sessions of 30 minutes each are recommended.

Trusted and respected

Experiences with
Subtle Body Balance


M. Autenrieth


I was pleasantly surprised when I was first instructed to feel my subtle body. Inner tension I had previously felt simply disappeared. The treatment left me feeling thoroughly relaxed and completely in the here and now. The tight sensation in my body was gone. I felt refreshed and open.


Johanna S.

Bad Reichenhall

Subtle Body Balance has a remarkable effect. A tingling sensation went into the body. I felt more embedded, experienced myself more balanced, awake, looking ahead with inner strength and in a positive mood.


Dagmar L.


THIS must be shared with the world! It is so wonderful that every person should experience it.

Carla H.

Café and restaurant owner

During the Subtle Body Balance treatment, a calm flow could be perceived, which gives me the feeling of inner wholeness. I experience myself as calm and protected from the things that happen around me… I left the practice with an inner serenity, a feeling of confidence.

Porträtfoto von Sonja-Maria Münkle

Sonja-Maria Münkle


It was surprising how clearly and distinctly one’s own subtle body could be experienced: A warm current spread out…
An inner certainty filled me with confidence, serenity and lightness. I felt vital and relaxed – a new equilibrium within myself has since been given and has remained stable.


Book recommendation

Attaining a holistic understanding of our body, activating our self-healing powers and strengthening our well-being:
In his book titled “Discover Your Subtle Body – The Practical Book to Protect and Strengthen Your Life Energy” (Lotos publisher), Ronald Göthert demonstrates how we can become resistant to disease-promoting stresses and to the hustle and bustle of daily life. The book contains exercises that allow you to perceive, explore and understand the nature of your own subtle body and to release the energy flowing through it again – to live a completely healthy and fulfilled life.

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