Subtle Body Therapy – For your subtle body health and inner order

With a healthy subtle body I can experience joy, contentment, a sense of being-one-with-myself
regardless of external life situations.

Ronald Göthert

Most of us are familiar with subtle perceptions, even if we don't know it. 

We all have days when things are “just fine”. We have other days when we are thin-skinned and sensitive to the slightest event or remark, even if they are harmless. We are physically and mentally tense, exhausted and stressed.

In the Goethert-Method, we explain this physical and mental tension from the subtle perspective as the effect of subtle body injuries and inner disorder. For many people, these subtle injuries and inner disorder are associated with factors such as fatigue, inner restlessness, anxiety, despair and/or sleep disorders.

Doppelbelichtung deprimierte Frau am Wasser

Subtle body injuries – inner disorder
Which life situations can cause them?

Subtle body injuries and inner disorder result from various situations and events in our lives. In many cases, they are caused by shocking situations, such as accidents, separation or the loss of a loved one. Other causes include long-term stressful phases, which are either private or professional in nature, or untergoing an operation.

What signals can help me detect them?

  1. Your reaction to certain situations is inappropriately, such as being too strong and emotional or, as the expression goes, you could “fly off the handle”.
  2. A past, unpleasant event still lives inside of you as if it had happened only yesterday.
  3. You suffer from circling thoughts – a conversation, a person, or a past event won’t let you go.
  4. You feel “beside yourself”.
  5. You suffer from insomnia, inner restlessness, exhaustion or back pain, with no clear medical cause for this ailment.

People often endure subtle body injuries and inner disorder for many years and get accustomed to the restriction it imposes on their quality of life. With the right support, however, they can be helped in a relatively short amount of time.

You can find help for the following concerns:

  • Inner restlessness/stress
  • Unresolved life situations/trauma
  • Emotional stress (fears, grief, despair, aggression, etc.)   
  • Inner paralysis/listlessness
  • Pain of separation
  • States of exhaustion
  • Sleep disorders
  • Indeterminate back pain
  • Mental imbalance after illness, surgery and pregnancy
Doppelbelichtung Frau vor Sonnenuntergang

The effect of subtle body therapy

During the Goethert-Method's subtle body therapy, the natural principle of order in the subtle body is supported. Blockages are removed, inner order is restored and one’s own life forces become accessible again.

You will be delighted at the feeling of original life energy unfolding more freely again, allowing subtle body health to set in.

Treatments and consultations: two forms of therapy – one goal

Subtle Body Treatments
by a Subtle Body Practitioner NDGM

Instead of:

  • Exhaustion -
    Feel energized and able to engage enthusiastically with life!
  • Inner restlessness -
    Feel calm and at peace.
  • Sleep disturbances -
    Rest fully and benefit from unbroken and undisturbed sleep.
  • Chronic indeterminte back problems -
    Break free from back aches and live a lively, active life.

Subtle Body Consultations
by a Subtle Body Consultant NDGM

  • Break free from negative recurring life patterns and take a positive step to controlling your own destiny.
  • Overcome conflicts to find peace and resolution within you, in your relationships and your daily encounters.
  • Conquer your fears and approach life with more assurance and self-confidence.
  • Defeat inner paralysis and take the steps you need to move forward with bravery and courage.

The therapeutic setting to support your subtle bodies

Following an introductory conversation with the consultant, treatment and counseling will take place in a calm and quiet atmosphere. You will be able to lie down and relax, fully clothed, on a comfortable treatment couch, covered with a light blanket.

Your subtle bodies are supported through specific and highly specialized techniques by hand - this occurs without any direct contact with the physical body.

This method allows for respectful support without having to re-experience stressful life situations.

For sustainable results, five to nine treatments of 60 to 90 minutes each are recommended.

Cost per appointment is 90 to 160 euros.

A treatment or consultation cycle takes place throughout a three week period.

For more information, check the websites of subtle body practices in Germany and Austria.

Find a subtle body practice

Doppelbelichtung Frau mit Kind auf dem Arm

An undisturbed flow in the subtle bodies enables a life with sufficient life energy, fulfilled peace, inner vitality and joy of life.

Ronald Göthert

References from our customers


Carla H.

Café and restaurant owner

It’s always like a small miracle to me, how after a consultation, the problems I come with evaporate, blockages dissolve and I am once again able to see the big picture and approach challenges with confidence and trust.



I can finally tackle things I've been putting off for months - and it's suddenly very easy.


Judith P.


I have known myself to get angry very quickly. After a few treatments, I perceive myself as much more relaxed and alert at the same time. I am more patient, have less quarrels with my husband.

To find the nearest subtle body practice in Germany and Austria, check the website of the Professional Association of the Goethert-Method e.V. 

Subtle body consultants and subtle body practitioners can offer you non-committal advise about the most suitable therapeutic offer. 

Many also offer free initial appointments as well as the possibility of a trial session to familiarize yourself with the treatment before you decide on an offer.


Professional Association of the Goethert-Method

Trusted and respected

Experiences with
Subtle Body Therapy



Music therapist

After the second treatment cycle, there was an inner feeling of freedom and lightness. An acquaintance noticed that I seem much calmer and more sorted. I'm glad that this wonderful therapeutic work exists!


Christiane S.


My problems suddenly felt smaller and more solvable, I could face them much more relaxed and with less despair.


Dorothea K.

Senior companion

My joy and love of life have reappeared since the consultation. The gray veils that usually hung over me in the morning when I woke up appear less frequently now - and when they are there, they are thinner and more mobile. Thank you.

Notes for legal reasons:

The treatments according to the Goethert-Method® are used in an accompanying manner and are not a sufficient substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatments, but are to be understood as health and life counseling. In case of health complaints or illnesses, medical, curative or psychotherapeutic treatment should therefore be sought.

The applications according to the Goethert-Method® are used in an accompanying way and do not represent a medical or psychotherapeutic diagnosis and treatment; therefore, independent of the application of this method, a doctor or psychotherapist should be consulted in case of health complaints or illnesses for the purpose of diagnosis and therapy concept. The method is not scientifically recognized. The Goethert-Method® is a health and energy consultation on the subtle level.


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